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We are GOAT Stadium

And we believe that sport is a public good that should belong to as many people as possible!
Our mission is to democratize fan investment in elite sports, thereby facilitating the emergence of more inclusive, supportive, and resilient clubs.
When we started, our vision was clear: to create a new generation of fans deeply involved in the development of their beloved clubs.
To achieve this goal, GOAT Stadium is developing the first buy/sell asset application dedicated to sports clubs and fans. This unique positioning is the result of several months of experimentation and learning from stakeholders in the football ecosystem and, more broadly, in elite sports.

Our story

June 2023

Launch of GOAT Stadium

To bring our vision to life, our initial idea was to gather as many enthusiasts as possible to purchase a professional football club and manage it collectively, like "Football Manager" In real life. Before moving forward, we aimed to gain the necessary expertise and credibility by testing the idea on a smaller scale with an amateur club.
1st Post
on Linkedin
August 2023

We are starting to get noticed

First article in the press! La Voix du Nord highlights our initiative with the amateur club.
1st article about GOAT Stadium in a local newspaper
November 2023

New ambition

Following the excitement generated by our initiative with the amateur club, we decide to accelerate the adaptation of the concept to a professional club, resulting in a 25% monthly growth of our community on social media.
Our previous concept explained (FR)
July 2024

An application to easily invest in top-level sport

After numerous discussions with club executives, board members, and many fans, we realized that GOAT Stadium could meet the expectations of fans from various clubs, extending beyond just football. Thus, the first app for investing in elite sports was born.

Today, we are intensifying our development in football while gradually expanding our approach to other major sports disciplines.
June 2023

Launch of GOAT Stadium

To bring our vision to life, our initial idea was to gather as many enthusiasts as possible to purchase a professional football club and manage it collectively, like "Football Manager" In real life. Before moving forward, we aimed to gain the necessary expertise and credibility by testing the idea on a smaller scale with an amateur club.
1st Post
on Linkedin
August 2023

We are starting to get noticed

First article in the press! La Voix du Nord highlights our initiative with the amateur club.
1st article about GOAT Stadium in a local newspaper
November 2023

New ambition

Following the excitement generated by our initiative with the amateur club, we decide to accelerate the adaptation of the concept to a professional club, resulting in a 25% monthly growth of our community on social media.
Our previous concept explained (FR)
July 2024

An application to easily invest in top-level sport

After numerous discussions with club executives, board members, and many fans, we realized that GOAT Stadium could meet the expectations of fans from various clubs, extending beyond just football. Thus, the first app for investing in elite sports was born.

Today, we are intensifying our development in football while gradually expanding our approach to other major sports disciplines.

Our team

Our team has also evolved significantly since the beginning, growing from 3 founders to over 10 collaborators! Renowned experts in their respective fields - whether in high technology, sports economics, or former international athletes - have joined the adventure.
Co-founder & CEO
Co-founder & COO
Co-founder & Business Developer
Associate & CTO


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